Our Vision

Hi, Gregory Giagnocavo here.
I’m creating Strategy Academy to share with you my business experience from 30 years of being an entrepreneur in multiple businesses.
I’m creating videos, podcasts, interviews, and courses to help you get motivated to succeed. But motivation alone isn’t enough.
I will show you strategies that will help you take an idea and turn it into a profitable business. You’ll learn how to determine what is an “idea” and what is an “opportunity”. (Ideas are not the same as opportunities.)
I’ll also be interviewing successful entrepreneurs from many countries, and they will share their ‘secrets to success’, so you can jumpstart your venture.
Strategy is your required plan of “how” to get from here to there.
I just searched a commonly-used term “military strategy”, and google shows 138 million references! Military is the most popular word associated with the term strategy, and for a reason. For thousands of years, military operations have always depended on a developing good strategy.
And your desire to succeed, your success, also requires a winning strategy.
The first element of successful strategy is to get yourself fully immersed in what you are planning to do: the project you are working on, the new business you want to start, the small business you have already started, or the existing business you now run with millions in sales that you want to grow larger.
Strategy Academy will show you how to do that, so you can ‘get from here to there’ in the most efficient way possible.
Stay focused. Work Smart. Do Great Things.
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