Arid unused land, now earns millions in annual land rental to windpower companies. Who spotted that opportunity?
This post is based on corresponding video and podcast.
Welcome to StrategyAcademy.
I’m so glad you discovered us. I promise you – you’re going to love it here.
I have 30 years of experience in discovering new opportunities and creating businesses that have done tens of millions of dollars in sales and created thousands of jobs. Real estate, Internet, technology, telecom/VoIP. (Even selling things on ebay and making picnic tables in my rented garage!)
I’ve been a founder of companies that – most people don’t know this – actually started in my home. But they quickly grew, with the help of others who invested, collaborated and became part of terrific teams working smoothly together. That’s a factor to never forget.
One company would go on to merge with or buy other smaller companies, go public and later be sold to EarthLink. Another venture was sold to a VC firm and then eventually sold to one of the largest publishing companies in the world. And there are several more – I have lots of interesting stories to tell.
In future postings, videos and podcasts I will share the inside stories of various business which will inspire and energize you. Most importantly, you will learn the techniques of how to spot profitable opportunities before others do so. And then how to capitalize on those opportunities.
I love helping others achieve their dreams and I want to share my experiences to help you and to give you a roadmap, a strategy to achieve amazing success doing something you love.
The thing is, everyone has ideas, lots of ideas.
But the question is, the big challenge, is, how do you figure out if that idea truly represents an opportunity?
I’ll explain why Ideas are not the same as Opportunities.
Can you really create a profitable business based on just an idea?
It’s confusing and somewhat mysterious …. and you find yourself wondering “How did that guy do that ? Or, you grumble, “I had that idea years ago and she took it and quit her job and now makes $100,000 a year. ”
Well, it may seem that what others do is mysterious, but it doesn’t have to be. Those people simply knew something you don’t.
I’ll show you how to do the same thing. I like to say “there’s a strategy for that!”
Along the way, through podcasts, videos and an active blog, I’ll be sharing experiences and strategies to help you achieve a higher level of success. And I’ll be creating easy-to-digest courses. And in the Spring of 2017, we will host live events.
I’ll also be interviewing entrepreneurs as they share their sometimes secret but proven strategies that they’ve used to achieve success.
You’re going to learn a lot. And what Strategy Academy will teach you, you won’t learn in college or even the best universities.
I’ve travelled to many countries, giving seminars to thousands of people. And I’ve discovered something interesting and yet, perhaps obvious. For a majority of people, deep inside, there is a burning desire to control their own destiny.
But they feel trapped by circumstances in a job they don’t love, with financial goals they can’t meet. Yet they see other people who are no smarter than they are, living happy successful lives running their own business enjoying financial abundance, yet still have time with their family.
Maybe that describes you, or maybe you’ve already started a business. Or it could be you’re running a business with millions in sales, yet you’re stressed and feel as if your business could do so much better.
Well, the good news is, you can break free and find financial independence running your own business.
You can build and improve your small business to achieve more profit and have time for you and your family. Oh. And you can discover how to reduce stress while doubling your sales in two years.
I’m going to show you how to create new products using existing knowledge and infrastructure you already have. I’m even going to show you a way to “invent customers”.
None of this is easy — there are no magical solutions.
But I will show you strategies that work. You’ll learn that for every challenge, “there’s a strategy for that.”
And you’ll learn a Strategy Blueprint I’ve developed that will help you effectively utilize proven tactics used by entrepreneurs around the world.
Now, I want to tell something very important. Something I’ve learned by traveling the world meeting with many different types of people.
I’ve recently returned from a trip to Singapore, Pakistan and Dubai. I have experience in Central America, lived in Canada and gave seminars to thousands of people in the USA, the UK, Scotland and Ireland. And tomorrow I leave to go to the UK, France, Belgium and Germany.
As I’ve travelled, I was fortunate to have built rapport with all types of people —very wealthy people, middle class and poor people, and those in extreme poverty. And they’ve shared personal details of their lives with me.
And I discovered that people are the same all over the world, no matter what their status. They want the same things you do — good relationships with friends and family, safe and healthy conditions, educational opportunities and financial independence doing something they like.
So I highly encourage you to join me and learn the proven strategies of success that others seem to know but you don’t. (Well you don’t know yet, but you will learn. And, you will succeed).
Subscribe to our free newsletter and join our social media networks to get all the value you can from Success Academy.net.
Let’s spend some time together. I’d be interested in your feedback and comments, any questions you have or what subjects you’d like to know more about.
Keep learning. Work Smart. Do great things.
I’ll see you next time.
– Gregory